I could only find 1 functioning ESKONF starting at 10c86 in my ME7.1.1 551R file. There is a second one that returns as a false positive at 25de1 using me7eskonf, but shows injectors and coils as disabled, as well as other clearly installed components. me7eskonf also didn't detect the 10c86 ESKONF, so maybe its getting caught up on some differences between ME7.1.1 and ME7.5
The two ESKONFs are one after another.
10C86 and 10C93.
Are you blind?
I searched through for a string to match the stock ESKONF bit string, and only found the 1 at 10c86. Maybe I totally missed something, but didn't see any identical repeats.
You did, the one right after it.
In the end, I was able to resolve the immediate DTC issue with additional codewords (not listed on the wiki) that I found. These disabled the P0036 and P0056 Heater Circuit diag codes. I believe the culprits were the following [set all to 0]:
Hopefully if someone comes across this in the future, it's helpful for them to tune their allroad! I know there's definitely a bit less BEL data out there than other 2.7Ts.
I will update this in the future if I end up having any pop up diagnosis codes, and what the fix is for that
I hope nobody does this. It's the same as zeroing fault classes. Hiding the error from OBD but the ECU still detects it.