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Author Topic: Introduction from new member  (Read 1282 times)

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« on: March 05, 2024, 05:15:06 PM »

Hello all and thank you for allowing me in your pages,

Located in Leicestershire UK and a massive Audi fan. Currently my spare time is taken up with tinkering with the Audi A2 marque, which I have a few. I’m obviously new here but have been reading as much of the contained threads about eeprom/instrument cluster dump files as possible over the last few weeks. This topic is the main reason why I joined and I’m hoping that someone can assist me with how to understand the hexadecimal data so I can safely/correctly adjust the speedometer and tachometer values when adding non-standard rpm and mph scales/foils to the pointers/needles read correctly.

Once I’ve worked out where to place my information/assistance request then I’ll go into more detail on exactly what I’m trying to accomplish, which I’m sure many others before me have achieved plenty of times in the past.

Thank you once again for letting me in.

Kind regards,


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« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2024, 11:38:54 PM »

Hello again,

Further to my introduction, I should addd that I’m quite comfortable extracting the SKC and correcting the odometer when adding DIS/FIS to a Half-DIS/FIS vehicle. For this I use VAG EEPROM Programmer on an Windows 10 laptop (via Bootcamp on a 2012 MacBook Pro)

What I need assistance with is understanding where within the instrument cluster dump file is the speedometer pointer/needle information so I can adjust it to read correctly with a different  top speed scale.

The vehicle in question is a 2005 Audi A2 1.2 TDI. The factory instrument cluster only goes up to 200kph and doesn’t have mph within the display. I’m therefore wanting to add a UK mph scale but all the UK scales read up to 240kph and as such the indicated travelling speed shown by the pointer/needle is incorrect.

I have the instrument cluster dump file of the 200kph cluster and also a 240kph cluster so between both of these .bin files is the answer. I just need to understand which lines to take from the 240kph file and place it in the 200kph file so the instrument cluster reads the travelling speed correctly.

What I don’t want to do is match a UK 240kph instrument cluster to the vehicle as the 200kph instrument cluster is the original and has the Eco LED which illuminates when when the Eco conditions are met. This LED behind the Eco icon isn’t soldered in on UK 240kph instrument clusters which is why I’d like to keep the original instrument cluster within the vehicle but with a UK 240kph scale that also has mph.

Hope that all makes sense.

Someone please let me know exactly where to place this kind of information request.

Kind regards,

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