I found TPI2046754/2 which mention 4G0906560F is an update for 4G0906560C. Normally i use the latest FRF as reference, good to know that sometimes the expected idents are not complete.
Expected idents are there, but not on the latest 560F version. You need to build the whole path (history).
No discrepancies in 1172 MGD1 odx files between upgrade prefixes in LAYER_REFS and IDENT-VALUES. They are a 1:1 match in that no upgrade in LAYER-REFS was not found in IDENT-VALUES and vice versa.
Only 5 of these odx had "VW Application Software Version Number" (the suffix) in IDENT-VALUES.
I am just stating what the LAYER-REFS is for.
It should not be used for compatibility, that's not the intention. It's there to build the final ODX only. Think of it as class inheritance in a programming language.
It can be that in a flash file it matches the expected idents path, but it's always better to build the expected idents tree.
In this case it should be 560C -> 560F 0002 -> 560F 0005...