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« on: September 22, 2024, 12:17:17 PM »
My Volvo is a bifuel variant so the ECU can switch between regular gas and compressed natural gas, after reading a bit on the subject it appears that CNG needs a higher Lambda to the tune of 1.15 or ~17 AFR and that since these fuels are already evaporated, rich running causes higher EGT.
In my Volvo I noticed that the oxygen sensor AFR was 14.7 for CNG, doesn't this mean it constantly runs rich instead of stoich? Even during idle.
Is there a particular reason why I shouldn't aim for stoich(~17) for fuel economy and less EGT? Was this done for the purpose of getting the power target? But CNG also has a higher resistance to knock so it also needs more timing compared to gas, right? But yeah for now I think I want to focus on whether this is too rich out of the box.
Please ignore what I said, I should've looked at it from the perspective of Lambda, and lambda was 1.0 in CNG mode. It was my erroneous formula that led me to view the AFR in a different way.
Perhaps I can rephrase the question to "Does a wideband sensor detect correct stoich for different fuels?"
« Last Edit: September 23, 2024, 10:41:36 AM by dikidera »