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« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2013, 05:41:15 PM »
Hi Prj,
thanks for Your answer.
I drive a RS2 Software on my Audi 200 20V (300kPa pressuresensor) from PKM, which is written for the RS2 exhaust outlet (Auspufkrümmer). But I have the Wagner outlet, which increases the power of gases for my turbo. The problem is, that the turbo sometime oscillates (e.g. 1bar -> 0,8bar -> 1bar -> 0.8bar... relativ). According to my analog pressure gauge, the pressure stays constant during the full gas - does not oscilate.
So I took another turboeprom from another Software (for a smaller turbo, for both 200kPa and 250kPa pressure sensor), changed the pressure maps (copied those ones from the RS2-PKM turboeprom), put it into my ECU with my 300kPa pressure sensor from Ultimot and the turbo does not oscilate any more. In adition, the turbo pressures are the same, bat the car has significantly more power! I can hear significantly more noise from the MAF passing through the air-filter-box!
This is, why I ask this questions. How is it possible... Probably the backward pressure waves from exhaust do it...