Google translate is really good figuring stuff out. Sometimes it helps to break up the words/terms into their smaller parts to decrypt the underlying meaning; many of the terms in DAMOS files are one or more words "glued" together. I also find that many of the DAMOS files are in old-style DOS character set, rather than the ISO character set that modern systems tend to expect, so the special characters get all messed up and google translate doesn't do any good as it doesn't recognize the words. Inputting one word at a time increases the chance of auto-correct. Also, us Unix-geeks can use the dos2unix utility with the -iso option to convert DOS codepage files to ISO-codepage, which results in most the special characters getting translated correctly.
I've also found the german-english dictionary at to be useful when dealing with individual words: Sometimes it's best to take the phrase piece by piece.
I've been slowly piecing together a list of acronyms I see repeated in the DAMOS (working with the Motronic 4.4 DAMOS as the OP is), here's what I've got so far in case this helps anyone decipher anything:
LDR = Ladedruckregelung: boost pressure control
HLS = Heizung Lambdasonde: O2 sensor heaters
AAV = Absperrventil Aktivkohlebehälter: active charcoal canister (EVAP canister)
UB = Battery voltage
LLS = Leerlaufsteller: idle speed control
LR = Lambdaregelung: lambda control
SLS = Sekundärluftsystem: secondary air system
TEV = Tankentlüftungsventil: tank venting system (EVAP system)
WDK = Winkel Drosselklappen: throttle angle
MLS = Motorlüfter-Steuerung: Motor fan control
KOS = Klimakompressor Steuerung: AC compressor control
SA = Schubabschalten: fuel cut off
WE = Wiedereinsetzen: fuel reinsertion
VL = Vollast: full load
LMR = Luftmassenregelung: Air Mass Regulation