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Author Topic: Cables that YOU, the members, have confirmed working! Post yours within.  (Read 128179 times)

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« Reply #45 on: December 27, 2019, 05:08:49 PM »

Looks like the INPA bmw ones work if you are willing to spend a little more to get one that works.

Did you have to do any modding to get it to work? I saw on BMW forums it requires reprogramming with Mprog.

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Hi, can anyone give suggestion to cable which worth to buy? It can be USB or serial, but USB is preferred. Thanks
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« Reply #47 on: August 10, 2020, 08:06:16 AM »

I have had my cables for 2years or so i forget when i bought them

Vag commander1.4 vag-k+can ebay cables work for flashing me7_95040.exe and galleto1260.exe with flashing the cable its self to match the hex code serial on cable or vice versa .... blue vag kkl 409.1 blue cables work for reading in me7logger and i think it also worked with me7_95040.exe reading and flashing but i cant remember to well i also had a ecu error eventually with using this cable p0601 checksum error must have not written the file correctly. vag tacho 5.0 cables only work with vag tacho 5.0 so far drivers are a pain on this one!
« Last Edit: August 10, 2020, 08:11:37 AM by doublerwest » Logged


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« Reply #48 on: November 06, 2020, 12:39:13 AM »

Does anyone happen to have any valid links for known functional cables?  Maybe I'm mistaken but all of the ones I've checked are no longer available.  Also (and this will show my noobishness to Motronic tuning) is there some reason why the Galletto cable I have wont connect at all for logging? Any info or direction would be appreciated.
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« Reply #49 on: November 07, 2020, 02:40:03 AM »

Are you boot mode or nef moto? software there is several ways to do it.


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« Reply #50 on: November 07, 2020, 10:35:10 AM »

Using nefmoto.  I pulled the generic OBD2 cable off of my Dyna Packs to see if it might work as well, confirmed its an FTDI based usb to serial setup which it is.  Its recognized by NefMoto as a cable just like my Galletto is recognized as EOBD and unfortunately I still can't connect.  Odd.

I have a third cable on the way that looks to be the same as many of the old dead links so I'll give that a shot this afternoon. 

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« Reply #51 on: November 09, 2020, 09:21:21 PM »

After trying 4, two of which were FTDI based cables that didn't function and another was advertised as one but was actually a CH340 cable, this one likes to work in case anyone is curious:


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« Reply #52 on: December 16, 2020, 01:05:09 PM »

Hello gents,

I was trying to set up me7logger with various cables(vcds,cheap blue kkl),but none of them worked so I went on ebay and got myself a proper FT232RL  KKL cable. Price is a bit on the high end at £20,but i have to say it works straight out of the box, just pluged in the laptop windows istalled the driver for the cable and VCP and VOALA working me7logger. All I had to do is set me7logger for the correct comport.


« Last Edit: December 16, 2020, 01:11:21 PM by r29vag » Logged
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« Reply #53 on: January 06, 2021, 10:55:07 AM »

Hello gents,

I was trying to set up me7logger with various cables(vcds,cheap blue kkl),but none of them worked so I went on ebay and got myself a proper FT232RL  KKL cable. Price is a bit on the high end at £20,but i have to say it works straight out of the box, just pluged in the laptop windows istalled the driver for the cable and VCP and VOALA working me7logger. All I had to do is set me7logger for the correct comport.


I use a blue kkl 409 cable for me 7 logger ... I have found that the driver that comes with the cable is flawed. I have tried to use the ft232rl cable and it dosnt seem to work on the logger wanna do some driver swapping with me?


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« Reply #54 on: February 12, 2021, 07:34:19 AM »

This one works - £20 for those in the UK.

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I got this "Vag K-can" cable from Amazon. Got it for the K-Can Commander, but it works great in NefMoto..

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This cable, despite saying FTDI in the title has a CH340 chip:

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« Reply #57 on: April 03, 2022, 07:16:13 PM »

I have FT232R cables for sale via second link in signature (In the event I change signature here is link: (this is just shortened URL which directs to a for sale thread I created on here)

For detailed info on cables and to place an order please visit the thread. Current price $35 + free express priority shipping for United States orders. Also shipping to North America (canada and mexico.. etc) however check thread for current rate(s) as pandemic dramatically affected non domestic shipping costs and this is ongoing..

« Last Edit: April 29, 2022, 12:41:54 PM by royce5950 » Logged

Purchase Tuned Files Ready To Be FlashedFor Audi / VW 1.8T & 2.0T Engines ➡️ TUNEDBYV3@GMAIL.COMSend Me An Email Now And Save BIG On A Performance Tuned File

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You can use an FT232 breakout board with a CH340 cable. Open the CH340 cable and there should be an LM339 chip. Connect the RX pin on the LM339 to the TX on the breakout board and the TX pin on the LM339 to the RX on the breakout. Cut the traces between the LM339 and the CH340. Plug the FT232 breakout board into your computer. Done.

Also, the 'FIATECUSCAN' cables with the selector switch have worked for me.
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We schould make simple shematic for cable. Is is simple ftdi and lm339. No need to pay fortune for it, and doesent work
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