What are talk about?
Just read self-study manual SSP337 and will be clear - intake manifold flaps do nothing (and can't do) for increasing power or torque.
Flaps are closed only by very low engine load, swirling air flow for better mixture prepair and reduce misfires.
All other time flaps are fully open.
Delete flaps is equal "open allways"
Thank very much for that useful info! As the saying goes, if nothing helps read the manual
P.S. I have copied it from SSP337:
The tumble flaps
Since the engine is operated in homogenous mode, the tumble flaps are used to improve the internal
mixture formation.
At low loads, in a speed range from 1000 rpm to
5000 rpm, the tumble flaps are closed:
- to improve idling speed quality on a
cold engine
- to increase the tumble effect and thereby
improve smooth running of the engine
- in overrun to prevent engine jolts
In other speed ranges, the tumble flaps are open
to avoid any resistance to flow and thereby a
reduction in performance.