I've been using the MTXElectronics checksum corrector plugin for tunerpro.
ME7Check fails on my files with:
RSA signature failure found
-> Found 1 error!!! *******************************
rsa: signature too large for modulus
Today, halfway through an auto-x event, my car wouldn't start. I scanned it with vag-com and got:
16985 - Internal Control Module
P0601 - 35-00 - Memory Check Sum Error
I've been running this flash for almost two weeks now and it took that long, even as a daily driver, to finally lock me out. Luckily I had my other ecu with me, so it was no big deal. This is the second time this has happened now. the first time I thought it was a fluke. So I guess this checksum plugin won't work for me, or am I doing something wrong? Any others have this issue? Gotta bootmode eeprom flash this ecu back to life again..