-- Update 6/8/14 --
Thanks again for all the help!
Attached is an updated xdf dated 6/8/14 with the correct 5120 hack maps/scalars for the 518AK 004 ecu defined. Please take a look and let me know if you find anything wonky.
Next I will be work on a scaled bin that I will post in the 5120 hack thread.
-- Original --
Hello all,
I have been locating the maps necessary to complete the 5120 hack.
http://nefariousmotorsports.com/forum/index.php?topic=3027.0title=I believe I have found most of the maps/scalars that were defined in the Bische’s (Thanks!) 518M ols file but I am still looking for MSNPCV (was defined in the 518M ols file but I could not locate the pattern in the 518AK bin).
Also, if any one has any leads on the following map/scalars. As I understand the 5120 hack thread, these are not necessarily required. Please correct me if I am wrong.
CWGGPBKV - for verification that the brake amplifier is turned off
Any help would be much appreciated!
Stock bin: Audi A4 2004 1.8T AMB 8E0909518AK 0261208230 1037369307 004
http://nefariousmotorsports.com/forum/index.php?topic=5322.0title=Attached is the xdf