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Author Topic: Problems with lrs  (Read 4191 times)
Hero Member

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« on: September 14, 2014, 12:58:12 AM »

So I've been trying to find out why i'm having such a bad gas mileage and it looks like I have problem with front o2 regulation. Almost instantly when I press on gas pedal sensor tries to enrich fueling by almost 25%. Also I can not set z_lsv even after doing usual postcat o2 sensor delete. One more clue... Up until ~60c car drives way better until regulation kicks in. Then it feels like it is starving fuel, but I have another o2 sensor plug in to gauge inside my car and it shows that after o2 correction I get 14.8 so it looks ok. Sometimes this jumps to 15.0 and then slowly goes back to 14.7. Oh and one last clue is that on idle (>60c) i can literally feel as if some diagnostic test was enabled (engine sound changes, as if I enabled some testing in vag com). File is 06xxxxHN.

What should I log next? Maybe first thing is to fix the damn z_lsv, as I kinda suspect it might be the case here

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