Please post the original csv that was created by ME7Logger. This file was opened in some other editor and saved, so it won't work with VisualME7Logger the way it is. Also, if you use VisualME7Logger, you don't have to worry about modifying the cfg file manually as the program will do it for you.
For the sake of saving some cash, you could code out the egt sensors instead of buying and installing new ones.
In reviewing the log, looks like it the boost is low and it's over fueling due to your egt issue. So these logs aren't a good "stock" example.
So attached is the original .csv file from vME7L. I used MS Office 2003 to open the file and i suspect the problem lay there.
Having had a play with ecuxplot, i now see that the pertinent data with the filter is from 4K to redline - i was trying to pull from low revs to redline. I am eager to try and generate a good stock baseline before proceeding.
I have lots of spare egt's lying around and fitted a replacement earlier to bank1 - the nice side
Also fitted a set of BKR7EIX plugs -going to try a a few more runs when the snow clears, got whited-out this afternoon.
B6T - how are you getting on? I'm running XP & besides a few cable issues have had a minimum of bashing my head off the nearest wall. Where/at what point are you having issues with Me7L / VisualMe7L? From SB's instructions on the first page, I found it non-problematic to generate the .ecu file.
The .cfg file to use is posted by SB on the first page.
So was looking a little further into the distance, as i understand moving forward; a possible route is to read the sticky .pdf posted here someone tell me if I am moving in the right direction?
Also have been doing a little more research on Tunerpro, what XDF file/files should we be looking at for the 551R bin that we are using?
I like the fact that with this project involving ME7.1.1 BEL, the reward will be the effort put in - there definitely is not as much scope for shortcuts as there might be with ME7.1