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Author Topic: Adapting mileage from one cluster to another? B6 Audi  (Read 3653 times)

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« on: July 29, 2015, 09:02:50 PM »

Wondering what tools are needed to mimic the pertinent data (miles etc) on my A4's cluster if I were to buy an S4 cluster with the color DIS?

I know how to pull the SKC, and hoping there was a similar written up process to do the same? Obviously the cluster would be coming from a donor car so I imagine it has to be virginized first and then adapted.

Anyone done this before and can help me out with the general steps? I have Vag commander 2.5 and a genuine VCDS Hex-CAN

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« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2015, 09:50:54 PM »

Vag eeprom programmer. Make sure to backup everything (encrypted and non) before doing anything.

Please, ask all questions on the forums! Doing so will ensure the next person with the same issue gets the opportunity to learn from your experience!

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« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2015, 07:42:49 PM »

Vag eeprom programmer. Make sure to backup everything (encrypted and non) before doing anything.

Is this a program or a piece of hardware? You wouldn't happen to know if there was a small tutorial or the general steps of the process?
Last time you helped me get my SKC and that was great! I was able to do it following that for a couple enthusiasts local to me.
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