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Author Topic: Antilag / NLS blew my maestro ECU (I think)  (Read 6969 times)

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« on: August 24, 2015, 06:32:01 AM »

Hi, I'm not sure what happened but I think the AL/LC code in my maestro ecu somehow caused the ecu to break.  It is a 4B0 906 018M in my aeb swapped awm car (me7.5) using 2.0t coil packs.

The car was running perfect and I rolled into the gas station and decided to 2 step when I saw my friend.  I then let it idle for about 30 seconds.  After restarting it, it won't free rev past 3500 rpm and when in gear it wont build more than 1 psi before completely cutting out (not just breaking up but loss of all power)

Things I've tried to fix
1: changed plugs and coils
2: checked all sensors
3: tried reflashing maestro ecu
4: turned off 2 step in maestro ecu

I put another ecu in the car (a tune I made in tunerpro on 018 ch) and it works just fine so I'm pretty sure it's not a hardware issue.

Can someone help me better understand why the maestro code seemingly broke my ecu?  What do they set dwell time to and is it healthy for the ecu?

Thanks a ton!
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« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2015, 06:53:22 AM »

Who implemented the code?  Maestro?

Have you tried a stock file flashed onto the ECU, rather than one that's been played with in Maestro?

I've read somewhere, but could never find two references to back it up, that older ECU's came with a different coil driver than the newer ones..

The post stated that with a dwell time of 0, the coil drivers short out to "fill" the coils, and this short kills coils.  It would appear that they've killed your ECU instead.

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« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2015, 07:03:41 AM »

Yes the code has been implemented by maestro using the 2 step option within the maestro editing suite

I would flash a stock bin onto the ecu, but I'm afraid to.  The only reason I care about this ecu is because I want to sell maestro.  I have no use for it, but don't want to mess anything up per se if I flash a stock bin to it and then can't get maestro to work again (not sure how its licensed to ecu etc).

My ecu comes with the bosch ck110 driver as far as I know (I'll open it up later to verify).  I'm not too savvy on transistors and chips and such so I'm not sure how to break this driver.

I've read the same threads over and over again last night and cant figure out why my coilpacks didn't go and my ecu went instead.
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« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2015, 07:08:50 AM »

Maestro isn't really talked about here, but I understand your point. 

You said you made a file in TunerPro and flashed it onto another ECU - can you not port your Maestro tune onto that and go from there?

The "2 step" script here is much better now - I can build 10psi at 2.8k quite easily. 

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« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2015, 07:15:04 AM »

I was just going to pay Daz to port it onto that ecu since I dont know how.  I tried reading the flash on the maestro ecu with nefmoto and as expected I get the security access denied. 

I dont have a galleto cable but is it as simple as reading it in boot mode and flashing it to another ecu?  I thought eurodyne had encryption on their tunes that made it hard to do this so people don't go around flashing licensed maestro tunes to multiple ecus?

Also, I had trouble getting my 2 step script to work with the exe AL/LC program here.  I suppose that's a separate point and I need to do more reading to figure that out on my own.  I'm pretty sure all the info is out there for that one.  I hear the 2 step script here is a lot more polished than the maestro script, even though maestro paved the way for custom 2 step scripts.
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« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2015, 07:22:17 AM »

Yes, you should be able to just bootmode and flash it to another ECU. 

I guess you're hooked on the whole idea of Maestro, but why not delve in and do it yourself?  You've already got an understanding of map names and what they do with Maestro, so just port the concept to another piece of software?

Wouldn't be too hard, you sound perfectly capable dude! Smiley

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« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2015, 07:28:56 AM »

Thanks, I'd be nowhere if it wasn't for all the info on this site.

I spent all yesterday copying all the values of my maestro tune into tunerpro, rescaling certain axes, and verifying that no axes that I rescaled would affect any other maps (based off an assumption that the definition file I'm using is thorough). 

I really don't want to use maestro.  I just want it fixed so I can sell it.  I got it with a turbo kit that I traded my mk2 gti for, but now that I feel comfortable working with tunerpro/winols and have a decent basefile from maestro, I really don't want that crap anymore.

I just am looking to figure out how the ecu broke so I can prevent it from happening again in the future.  At least with my custom tune, I can just bring a spare ecu with me in case it happens again.  I'll buy a galleto cable soon and try to read it.
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« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2015, 07:34:03 AM »

Sounds like a good choice!

I've had no issues with the current script - and since you're so polite, I'll even run it through for you if you need. Smiley Getting PHP to work properly seems to be a total ballache, I've only got it to work on one computer so far - will try again with another tonight.  Only needed to apply it once though, and it's fine.

It's quite a possibility that the ECU hardware is cooked, so I porting all of the ECU data from that ECU to another one would be the solution.  Pull the file with bootmode, the EEPROM too and flash both onto another ECU and have a "copy".  Easy as pie! Smiley

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« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2015, 07:40:43 AM »

Wow, I really appreciate the help!  I'm borrowing my friends netbook currently and don't really want to install php if I dont need to until I can buy a better setup (car parts are still a priority at this time $$$). 

I'm going to try to port maestro over to another ecu.  Once I get my tune running I'll PM you if I have any questions on running the script.  I also had trouble with ESKONF not liking values I entered.  Those are my two obstacles to overcome for the time being.
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« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2015, 07:45:36 AM »

If you want, I can upload my file and my .kp for you.  My .kp has my ESKONF as lovely bit pairs for ease of view.

So when you open the map; you can see:

(whatever it may be), but you get the idea.  Makes setting it up easy.

The rest of the stuff is pretty well documented on here, and everyone is pretty helpful.  They'll make you work for the answer, but they'll help! )

You should be aware that spark cut boost building is hard on turbo(s), valves, exhausts, manifolds, etc, etc.  That said, I've still not smashed a turbo or anything in 12k, and it gets used bi-daily atleast.  I'm a reprobate.  Kiss
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