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Posts: 15
« on: September 07, 2011, 12:23:54 PM »
Ok, So I have a stock L box in my car right now and I am wanting to move a tune I have that is currently on a M Box. Is there a cheat sheet for which maps I need to move over or is there a way to convert the M box to an L Box? I was reading through the s4wiki in the tuning section and I am under the impression that I need to just copy all of those maps over to the L Box from the M Box. I have heard this is only a 5 minute process but I want to make sure I am moving everything I need. Here is a list of what I currently think I need to move. Can someone please verify this list before I do it? The tune on the M Box is an APR tune if that makes any difference.
Fueling: KRKTE MLHFM KFMLDMX KFKHM LAMFA KFLBTS_0_A TABGBTS (I do not have EGTs in the car and the L Box already has them coded out. Do I need to adjust this back to stock? Im guessing no.) FBSTABGM-KFLBTS KFKHFM KVB FKVA
Timing: KFZW KFZW2
So.. do I have this right or am I missing something? Also with the APR tune it is switched between the control stick... what do I need to do to move this over as well? Let me know if you can. Thanks Guys!
« Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 12:36:23 PM by JMLPictures »
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2011, 01:44:18 PM »
Just do a compare in Tunerpro and limit it to defined maps. Have the L box open and the M box as the compare bin. Doubleclick the maps displayed in the results, change the action to copy from compare, select the entire map, and click go (or whatever the execute button is). Obviously you will want to use a little discretion in deciding if a map should be copied or not. In order to keep map switching, you will have to do the opposite and copy just the fields that make the L box unique into the M box. I would compare a stock L box to a stock M box for this.
Or, just write your own tune from scratch.
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Posts: 15
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2011, 06:17:24 PM »
Ok, So i compared a stock L box with a stock M box and got a lot of different maps in the difference tool with the "defined items only" box checked... however when I went through and actually compared them only these were different:
Does that sound right for the difference between the M and L Box? Thanks.
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Posts: 15
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2011, 07:12:51 PM »
So I messed around with some stuff and copied the maps form the L box that were different between the stock L box and stock M box to the M box with the APR tune and then attempted to flash it to the car. It failed. This is what I got. It made it to 100% then said failed to flash and the log showed the following. At the end is what the ECU was reading out when I clicked on the ECU Info button: 100% complete. Data transfer failed. Requesting data transfer exit. Failed to exit data transfer. Failed to properly exit flash transfer. Transfering invalid data to force flashing to fail. Starting data transfer. Data transfer failed. Requesting data transfer exit. Failed to exit data transfer. Requesting flash memory erase for address range 0x008F0000 to 0x008FFFFF. Successfully erased flash memory. Requesting download to ECU for address range 0x008F0000 to 0x008FFFFF. Request download to ECU succeeded. Starting data transfer. Data transfer failed. Requesting data transfer exit. Failed to exit data transfer. Failed to properly exit flash transfer. Transfering invalid data to force flashing to fail. Starting data transfer. Data transfer failed. Requesting data transfer exit. Failed to exit data transfer. Requesting flash memory erase for address range 0x008F0000 to 0x008FFFFF. Successfully erased flash memory. Requesting download to ECU for address range 0x008F0000 to 0x008FFFFF. Request download to ECU succeeded. Starting data transfer. Data transfer failed. Requesting data transfer exit. Failed to exit data transfer. Failed to properly exit flash transfer. Transfering invalid data to force flashing to fail. Starting data transfer. Data transfer failed. Requesting data transfer exit. Failed to exit data transfer. 100% complete. Writing ECU flash memory failed. Restoring Windows sleep mode. Disabling Windows sleep mode. Reading ECU info. Reading ECU identification option: ECUIdentificationScalingTable Successfully read ECU identification information Reading ECU identification option: systemSupplierECUSoftwareNumber Read ECU Identification systemSupplierECUSoftwareNumber: 0x3205, Successfully read ECU identification information Reading ECU identification option: calibrationDate Read ECU Identification calibrationDate: 8D0907551L , 0001, 0x00001A5F, 0x4E45464D, 0x544F, Successfully read ECU identification information Reading ECU identification option: calibrationEquipmentSoftwareNumber Read ECU Identification calibrationEquipmentSoftwareNumber: 0x81050400, Successfully read ECU identification information 100% complete. Reading ECU info succeeded. Restoring Windows sleep mode. Is there something else I might be missing? Thanks.
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2011, 07:45:19 PM »
did the car start though.... I have gotten this when flashing over apr before but it was a successful flash.
I have a b5 s4 but i just want to dance.
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Posts: 15
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2011, 08:00:46 PM »
I did not try and start the car. I did turn the ignition off then back on again and run the check ECU information and it came up with the same thing. Said: 8D0907551L , 0001, 0x00001A5F, 0x4E45464D, 0x544F,
Normally this would say 2.7t/5vt or something similar to that at the end of the string.
Also when I turned the ignition back on the gear selector on the bottom of my center display turned all red with the letters and numbers black rather than red letters and numbers (Normally this would mean limp mode of the transmission). Is there something I need to change using vagcom to make the ECU know about the car being a tip car?
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2011, 08:04:39 PM »
Wow...that is a scary log.
I am guessing that the map switching works by jumping to tables stored in what was unused space. When you do a compare between the tuned bin and stock M box, are the typical maps returned? I would think they would remain stock calibration and the tuned maps would be elsewhere.
Converting an M box to an L box will likely take a good amount of research to do safely. The definition file I am sure was created for the M box, so I doubt the necessary fields are defined.
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Posts: 15
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2011, 08:26:28 PM »
I did a compare of the stock L box and a stock M box. I then wrote down the maps that had differences in them.
I then opened the APR tuned M box and then copied the maps that differed between the stock boxes over to the tuned M box. When i went to flash the car it made it 100% then as it was closing the flash I got that error message in the code so something somewhere didn't work correctly... just need to dig a little deeper and see what it was.
Anything you guys can think of to check?
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2011, 08:34:23 PM »
are you copying from mbox to Lbox or copying from the Lbox onto the tuned file?
I have a b5 s4 but i just want to dance.
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Posts: 15
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2011, 10:40:40 PM »
Copying from L box to the m box which was suggested above.
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2011, 04:38:58 AM »
Sorry, i was a little slow on this one. I think this is a terrible idea. You should really port the tune over to an Lbox, which u cant do with an apr file unless you disassemble ít and find all the new map locations, then write the new jumps into the Lbox.
you can't limit the maps your are switching to only the ones in the mbox xdf cause there are many many more that you can't see. A much better approach would be to take one of the many stage 1 tunes off the site and port it over to the Lbox. Then you will be able to make your own changes since you know where all the important maps are.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2011, 11:41:04 AM by judeisnotobscure »
I have a b5 s4 but i just want to dance.
Karma: +0/-0
Posts: 15
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2011, 11:28:06 AM »
Ok sounds good. I will go ahead and start moving that 91 m box file over to the L box.
Karma: +2/-0
Posts: 22
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2011, 04:11:58 AM »
I tried JMLs APR tune over on my Mbox ECU. I had a stock file with the NLS/AL on my S. I did a full write and what happens is it basically writes about 90% of the tune and then it comes up with could not write to memory layout, retry or abort? Retry yeilds no results, abort makes my ECU useless. I tried starting after the abort and it doesnt turn over, just cranks. It writes to 15/16 memory blocks so it must be something APR puts in their tunes. Luckily I was able to flash my stock file using a full memory flash and it works mint again... strange.