June 8, 2011

Amazon EC2 and Google Apps

Filed under: Uncategorized — NefMoto @ 2:02 pm

You probably haven’t noticed, but as of June 5th the website is now hosted on Amazon EC2 in a Linux Micro Instance. Amazon has an awesome interface for managing hosting instances, and hopefully it will be cheaper than the dedicated host I was previously using.

Also, the websites backend for sending email has been switched to Google Apps. This allows NefMoto to essentially use GMail for all our email needs for FREE. Not paying for a mail server, and getting the GMail interface, is awesome. 🙂

Along with the switching the hosting and email server, the bug with forum posts being truncated when non-English characters were used has been fixed. There was a mismatch in the character sets being used by the forum and the database that was preventing non-English characters from being saved.

If you find any new problems with the website, please contact me through the forum or email to let me know. One user has already noticed there is a problem with editing wiki pages, and hopefully that will be resolved tonight.

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