The story short...
The engine is an R32 (3.2 v6 bub) this engine was mounted in my golf mk3,
And was running on the Me7.1.1 022 906 032CE (2006/DSG) 274hp@dyno Tuned BY reliable tuner and had dtc removed / had do some tweaks for the missing speed signal that caused a fickle trotthle (and locked the ecu file i think)
Was running ok,2jears no problem not perfect and i think that it was caused that the ecu wont adapt itself and a few readlines errors.
Now the BUB engine is swapped to an seat leon 1m1 (stock engine is BDE 2.8 v6 also running on me 7.1.1)
The engine runs now on the (tuned bub ecu) and when the car stand stil and i play whit the trotthle everything is fine,
when the car rol and i blip the trotthle 2/3 time's when parking te car or so, the engine revss self up to about 2/3000rpm this varies.
when driving the car no big problems only not al the hp is there, and esp/abs is throw dtc
TCU (transmission control unit) is missing. can't login in the ecu to change the coding to manual is this caused by the lock from the tuner?
because both ecu are the me7.1.1
022906032CE BUB R32 / 022906032BG BDE
i want change the bde map to run de bub engine... i have tried to run the bub engine @ the 2.8 ecu it runs but pops and farth when trotthle and throw dtc cam sensor 2 g163 incor. correl.
This is caused by een diffrent sensor ring on the camshafts.
i'am pretty shure this is correctable whit mapping right?
flashed some ecu's before, rescale lmm, immo of etc but not real remapping reading about it allot.
I had tried to read the bin from the R32 ecu id is read but mpps throw a fault when reading the file....
I had read the bin from the BDE ecu no problems... and run it @ winols and found some def. files
many hours on winols but i think i found some diffrences in the cam sensor map's see my files
had found a few r32 file's and compare some diffrent
found the Lmm map etc see the diffrences and tried countless hours to understand al the maps but whit winols iam a noob sorry
i think it is kennfeld basiswinkel nockenwelle is that correct? I am on the right track?
what maps must changed to run the BUB?
I was first thinking to flash a stock file whit odis/vas from the MK5 r32 manual but is it possible on this ecu
Which way to go?
thanks every one for his time
I hope you people can help me, learing it..