Allright, so turns out you can use CH340 based chip to log or do any K line protocol stuff most likely , even nefmoto flasher if someone would rewrite it to use com port instead of ftdi drivers etc.
Anyways here is how to get shiet working:
Install CH340 drivers without the cable plugged in.
Download link - run it and press install.
After that plug the cable into the obd port then into your PC, and wait a few secs , it should automatically detect it and it should say ur device is ready to be used.
Go to Device Manager and find the cable under Ports / Serial cables , right click it and go to properties.
Set the following settings here:
then press advanced and set the following settings here:
I'd advise to use COM4 , because COM3 is often used on laptops also make sure to always plug the cable into the same usb port to avoid issues. FTDI eeprom doesnt let this happen it always keeps the same com port even with different usb port.
You obviously need to have your ECU file from Me7info , this is explained in the ME7Logger readme. BUT after you get ur ECU file from info, open it in notepad and set the connection value to 0x00, like so
whatever ME7info thinks is good, change this...!
Connect = SLOW-0x00
Use VisualME7Logger to generate your config files ( values to log) BUT you cannot use VisualME7logger because it seems to overwrite stuff and it simply doesnt work for now( for me , another user reported it works)...
When you generated the config file , open it in notepad and change Sample/second to 50 !!!
So to start logging, open a CMD window where the ME7logger exe is located and type ME7Logger -p COM4 log.cfg
COM4 being the COM port you use and log.cfg is whatever is your config file named ( that you saved in VisualME7Logger)
so have that command ready, turn ignition on, press enter on laptop and it should connect. After this start the car and your done