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Author Topic: Bosch ME7.1 - Translated Funktionsrahmen Modules  (Read 80505 times)
« on: July 18, 2011, 11:25:02 AM »

The following translated modules are now on the Nefmoto wiki and also in a single indexed PDF file with a note on which aspects of tuning each is relevant to (attached to this post).

ARMD 10.40 (Torque-Based Anti-Jerk Function)
ATM 33.50 (Exhaust Gas Temperature Model)
ATR 1.60 (Exhaust Gas Temperature Control)
BGSRM 17.10 (Cylinder Charge Detection, Intake Manifold Model)
FUEDK 21.90 (Cylinder Charge Control [Calculating Target Throttle Angle])
GGHFM 57.60 (MAF Meter System Pulsations)
KRDY 17.120 (Dynamic Knock Control)
KRRA 15.130 (Knock Control with Individual Cylinder Retard)
LAMBTS 2.120 (Lambda for Component Protection)
LAMFAW 7.100 (Driver's Requested Lambda)
LAMKO 9.80 (Lambda Coordination)
LDRLMX 3.100 (Calculation of LDR Maximum Cylinder Charge rlmax)
LDRPID 25.10 (Charge Pressure Regulation PID Control)
LRSHK 9.20 (Continuous Post-Catalyst Lambda Control)
MDBAS 8.30 (Calculation of the Basic Parameters for the Torque Interface)
MDFAW 12.260 (Driver Requested Torque)
MDFUE 8.50 (Setpoint for Air Mass from Load Torque)
MDKOG 14.70 (Torque Coordination for Overall Interventions)
MDZW 1.120 Calculating Torque at the Desired Ignition Angle)
RKTI 11.40 (Calculation of Injection Time ti from Relative Fuel Mass rk)
SLS 88.150 (Secondary Air Control)
ZUE 282.130 (Fundamental Function - Ignition)
ZWGRU 23.110 (Fundamental Ignition Angle)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2012, 12:55:51 PM by TTQS » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2011, 06:08:30 AM »


GGHFM 57.60 (MAF Meter System Pulsations) added 27 July 2011.


Thanks Doug!  Are you fluent in German?  Also, what are KFPU, KFPUKLP1, KFPUKLP2 and KFPUKLP12?

In the module it says:
KFPU   – Pulsations map
KFPUKLP1 – Pulsations map with active adjustment element 1
KFPUKLP12 – Pulsations map with active adjustment elements 1 and 2

But I'm not sure what those are exactly.  Perhaps I don't have access to them in Maestro.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 07:32:39 AM by sleeperavant » Logged
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« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2011, 10:30:03 AM »

Doug, any chance i can dissuade you from continuing to use word format, and get you to put it somewhere with better revision control, portability, indexability, and searchability?

Having 3 zillion versions of different word documents floating around (with no tracking of changes, or centralized location/url etc) is really very suboptimal.

Not that we don't all appreciate your efforts (we do)... but I find this very unwieldy Sad

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« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2011, 01:06:10 PM »

O.k. What do you guys suggest? I can do Adobe PDF easily.

Please bear in mind that it takes many hours effort even with the aid of Google Translate to get a good translation so I'm not particularly open to any other format that requires significant additional work. Translating these modules is interesting and is expanding my knowledge but are keeping me from a labour of love: Michael Rohde & Jens-Peter Sirup's book on the Mercedes-Benz W123.

I'm not fluent in German, just reasonably well-schooled in the nuts and bolts of modern languages, I suppose.

I'm not sure what KFPU, KFPUKLP1 and KFPUKLP12 are actually. Worryingly, I couldn't find them in any of the fully-defined files I have. Undecided

I will delete any Word documents and stick with PDF from now on.  Wink

« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 01:19:37 PM by TTQS » Logged
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« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2011, 02:29:24 PM »

Word is fine to start with; just hoping we could eventually centralize it in the wiki, or even docbook under svn/git or whatever

not a fan of google docs. like you said, thats even harder to use than a directory full of .doc files Smiley

I can offer hosting space... if you are the only one editing the docs (for now), it would make sense to just keep them in word format. I can even host it under a domain name of your choice (assuming you pay for the domain name Smiley

I just really dislike attachments on a msg board as an archive method...

email me nyet at nyet dot org if you want to take it there also.

ME7.1 tuning guide
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ME7Sum checksum
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« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2011, 10:59:23 PM »

Word is fine to start with; just hoping we could eventually centralize it in the wiki

I don't have any problem with anyone on here uploading any material I've made available to this site's Wiki.

I have my own prejudices on wikis after contributing factually correct, official, well-researched information on two places I've worked at to Wikipedia itself only to find that (a) Wikipedia plastered a big warning on it stating that the information appeared to be copied from elsewhere and (b) other users come along and fiddle or tinker with it.

I don't want my output fiddled or tinkered with, especially translations. If it's incorrect or inappropriate, tell me and I'll correct it personally. Surely that's the best way to keep tabs on revisions?

« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 02:31:31 AM by TTQS » Logged
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« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2011, 08:51:18 AM »

Absolutely. If you are the only one making revisions, then a wiki is pointless!

IMO all you need is hosting space so you don't have to put up attachments to a post in an obscure thread Smiley

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« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2011, 03:31:49 AM »


LDRPID 25.10 (Charge Pressure Regulation PID Control) added 8th August 2011.
Minor correction to GGHFM.

I've had to put a lot of extra manual effort into LDRPID, but in a small number of instances, there might be better translations. Please feed back any suggested improvements if you notice any. Also, feel free to update the Nefmoto wiki with this info. I don't have the time I'm afraid.


« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 02:31:45 AM by TTQS » Logged
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« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2011, 09:23:36 AM »

Surely that's the best way to keep tabs on revisions?

BTW this is what subversion/git is for Smiley

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« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2011, 12:41:40 PM »

BTW this is what subversion/git is for Smiley

Cool. I must be like a Stegosaurus or something because I've never heard heard of svn/git.

I'm sure somebody will fix something better up eventually but I've reached "The Outer Limits" of my abilities.

« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 02:31:55 AM by TTQS » Logged
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« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2011, 11:07:02 PM »

Cool. I must be like a Stegosaurus or something because I've never heard heard of svn/git.

Revision control is as old as the hills... certainly predates MSWord

1982 - rcs
1986 - CVS
1994 - bitkeeper
2000 - subversion
2005 - mercurial
2005 - git

Microsoft was obviously blissfully unaware of how nice it is to keep documentation under revision control when they "designed" MSWord.

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« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2011, 02:18:00 PM »

AWESOME. Thank you Doug. ATM looks like it took quite a bit of effort!

Request: more of the MD blocks Smiley

Specifically, fast and slow path torque intervention.... MDZW, MDKOG, and the mother of all things timing, ZUE
« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 10:24:16 AM by nyet » Logged

ME7.1 tuning guide
ECUx Plot
ME7Sum checksum
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Please do not ask me for tunes. I'm here to help people make their own.

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« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2011, 05:57:02 PM »


Yes, ATM must have took a week or so on and off. I'll do my best with other requests.

I tried to modify the Nefmoto wiki with a view to transferring these to that format, however I received an error message telling me that I wasn't in the group 'Users'. I've e-mailed Tony to see what can be done but until it gets worked out, I'll have to stick to PDF.

« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 02:32:06 AM by TTQS » Logged
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2011, 01:53:17 PM »


MDKOG 14.70 (Torque Coordination for Overall Interventions) added 23 August 2011.
MDZW 1.120 Calculating Torque at the Desired Ignition Angle added 25 August 2011.
ZWGRU 23.110 (Fundamental Ignition Angle) added 25 August 2011.

I'm not sure I'll have time to translate many more this year, although I am enjoying the endeavor. I'm on vacation for two weeks then I'll have about two months of studying in my spare time for work.

« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 02:32:16 AM by TTQS » Logged
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« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2011, 05:32:55 PM »

Once again, thank you so much!

The only "important" one left on my list now is ZWGRU..
« Last Edit: August 23, 2011, 06:31:49 PM by nyet » Logged

ME7.1 tuning guide
ECUx Plot
ME7Sum checksum
Trim heatmap tool

Please do not ask me for tunes. I'm here to help people make their own.

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