The "modify" link on the top left of each of your posts
Oh... I'm dumb. I was just using the edit icon...
I removed the eeprom. I'll remove the rest later.
I told you I would help once you got the car started.
I'm not assisting in making this freeware, but I will help you get what is right in your situation.
Further instructions, please
I'm kinda stuck.
Summary now: If I make any changes to the original vast file I get a checksum error I cant get rid of. If I make changes to the vastfixed.bin ddillenger posted I can correct the checksums. So here's what I did.
1. Modified and checksum corrected ddillenger's vastfixed.bin
2. Flashed it in bootmode.
2. Car started once but did not appear to reflect the changes i made.
3. Car would not start a second time
4. I proceeded to pull the bin in bootmode.
5. ME7Check the pulled bin and there were 3 errors
6. Opened the bin in TunerPro and the changes I had made were reversed? (I made the changes again)
7. Corrected the checksums again.
8. Flashed again.
9. Car started only once again without reflecting the changes I made
10. Pulled the bin in bootmode again
11. ME7Check shows the 3 errors AGAIN (and TunerPro shows that the changes I made were reversed AGAIN)
This vast tune is something weird