Hello, I introduce myself, my name is jonathan. I am passionate chiptuning and I am also moderator in chiptuners.fr where i work a lot.
I'm a french who does not speak English so excuse me in advance for my bad English. (Google traduction!!)
I am currently working on a TDI edc15p but I do not have as much knowledge as some here.
I would disassemble the program in my ecu to learn more.
I have not managed to connect the C167 with MINIMON and Galetto or kkl.
I connected directly the C167 with a ftdi on rx and tx pins and I used flashit to extract the file. (Minimon logs on but doesn't work to download irom).
With FLASHit I can also read flash. Reading the irom gives me the same file with or without the flash.
Here is some information that I found in my ecu :
The C167 operates at 16mhz (has checked the oscilloscope).
The pin / ae is connected to 5v so the presence of a irom.
The connections between the flash and the C167:
29f400 <-> c167
A0 <-> A1
A1 <-> A2
A2 <-> A3
A3 <-> A4
A4 <-> A5
A5 <-> A6
A6 <-> A7
A7 <-> A8
A8 <-> A9
A9 <-> A10
A10 <-> A11
A11 <-> A12
A12 <-> A13
A13 <-> A14
A14 <-> A15
A15 <-> A16
A16 <-> A17
A17 <-> A18
Q0 <-> AD0
Q1 <-> AD1
Q2 <-> AD2
Q3 <-> AD3
Q4 <-> AD4
Q5 <-> AD5
Q6 <-> AD6
Q7 <-> AD7
Q8 <-> AD8
Q9 <-> AD9
Q10 <-> AD10
Q11 <-> AD11
Q12 <-> AD12
Q13 <-> AD13
Q14 <-> AD14
Q15 <-> AD15
/WE <-> /CS4
/OE <-> /CS0
vss <-> /CE
vdd <-> /BYTE
How to know the address of the external ram, and the address of the flash?
which chip on the pcb is the ram?
I give you the file in the internal rom and the external rom my ecu.
Thank you in advance for your help.