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Author Topic: HPX MAF: No temperature corrections - Edit: FPR causing fueling drift  (Read 15598 times)
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« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2014, 11:39:33 AM »

Cool thanks. Do you think the FPR heating up is due to radiant heat from the engine components or from the fuel heating up (or both)? I ask because I have touched my IE fuel rails after normal driving and they will burn my hand. I would image the fuel is heating up due to some heat transfer here (heads>IM>fuel rails>fuel) and in turn heating your FPR. I would think a quality FPR would take heating of the fuel into account when the product was being designed.

It could be either, the problem is different materials used for casing and spring with their different rate of expansion due to heat. It is what it is. With smaller orifice (and higher backpressure/less flow) I am actually very fuel stable now.
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« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2016, 03:39:22 AM »

Digging this up a little bit, but by the principle of how a hot wire MAF operates, it automatically compensates for increased pressure or temperature variations, as the cooling of the hot wire 'responds directly to air density' (not air volume). 

Was this train of thought that this particular MAF doesn't compensate for air temp mostly based off of
1. That you (julex) had lambda fluctuations (which seemed to be resolved with the FPR,
2. Because of the existence of an air temp output on the maf?   

I always thought that the air temp output on the HPX MAF was simply because with that particular make of Ford (and whatever else the HPX maf's are in) they decided to use a maf that combines the ambient air temp (or IAT) sensor together with the MAF sensor (just for an IAT or ambient sensor, not necessarily to correct an 'uncorrected' mass air flow value from the sensor).

Has anyone conclusively found out that the cars that use the HPX as the OEM sensor change the MAF reading value in the ECU based on the HPX's air temp output?  Or does that remain an assumption?

Edit: Just saw the title edit, so julex, your initial thoughts about the maf possibly not compensating for temp has been reversed since you found the cause of most of you lamda drift, or do you still speculate that the HPX doesn't compensate for temp (in addition to the FPR causing the drift)?
« Last Edit: November 23, 2016, 03:43:24 AM by jibberjive » Logged
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« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2016, 11:43:32 AM »

All modern MAF sensors (most are even hot film, not hot wire) are ambient temp independent (mostly).

They work by measuring the gradient across the hot film, and often have a secondary sensor (separate from the film) to measure ambient temp as another reference (hence the additional output).

That said, they aren't 100% temp independent (nothing is), and ECUs have ways of doing additional compensation based on information the MAFs do not have on board. ME7 (at least) does not do this; it takes the MAF reading as is, and chooses to do the corrections elsewhere in the fueling path (e.g. when calculating load).

ME7.1 tuning guide
ECUx Plot
ME7Sum checksum
Trim heatmap tool

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« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2017, 10:57:01 AM »

I recently reset FDVANS to all "1" to eliminate flow adjustments for temperature and that solved all of my issues with HPX and heat..
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« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2019, 04:56:26 AM »

I recently reset FDVANS to all "1" to eliminate flow adjustments for temperature and that solved all of my issues with HPX and heat..
I haven't looked at what values FDVANS has in the stock bin, but any idea why the values for the HPX maf should be different than the OEM?
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