Let's hope somebody could shed some light on this, especially if you know what multiplier is VCDS using (ME7 logger is using 3.05176e-005) as it would explain why the data is off if they are using wrong values

The data you see from ME7Logger are the most accurate values you will get in this case

Variables fra_w, frao_w, frau_w are stored as unsigned word (16bit) in the ecu.
Damos specifies the conversion from internal to physical value for these:
PHYS = INT / 32768, this returns values in range 0.0 to 1.99997 (a factor without unit).
The conversion factor which ME7L uses is therefore 1/32768, which is just 3.05176e-005.
Now, when you log with VCDS, the ECU processes each variable and performs an internal
conversion, then delivers for each variable three bytes (a, b, c) to VCDS.
Byte c is a conversion formula number
(see here:
bytes a and b are data values used in the conversion formula.
VCDS takes a and b, then converts again using the formula and presents you the result.
In case of fra_w, frao_w, frau_w, the ecu always sets c = 20, so the formula for VCDS is:
a*(b-128)/128 [in %].
The ecu sets a=50 and b to result from a conversion of the original 16bit value.
You can see, that VCDS can compute the final percentage result with a resolution
of 50/128 = 0.390625% in a range of -50% .. +50% (b can be 0 ..255).
Be aware, when you log via KWP1285 (as VCDS does), the ecu alway processes variables
internally before delivering data and you probably loose accuracy.