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Author Topic: Logging ME7 fast and flexible => ME7Logger  (Read 584753 times)
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« Reply #105 on: November 01, 2011, 06:51:08 PM »

Just a quick note to all the guys working on adding a GUI to this program.

I'm hopefully going to release the NefMoto data logger with a full graphical UI in the next week...

I live on command-line. But good, and thanks.

Please make it configurable, and with freeze-frame hotkey, and with a shadow needle on the dials for "dial history" (sort of like seen where the average of the last 20 samples was in addition to the quickly fluctuating instantaneous measurement).

Audi S4 B5 2000 6sp Cactus Green
Audi A4 B6 Avant 1.8T 2001.5 5sp Santorin Blue
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« Reply #106 on: November 02, 2011, 10:15:11 AM »

Thanks for the great program!

I'm trying to find out the EGT enrichment variables, but no luck.  Those that are on block 112 on VCDS.

Does anyone know what those are?

ME7Info -g ../bins/mbox.bin | grep 112
measgroup 112: 0098(tats_w              ), 00C4(dlamatr_w           ), 0099(tats2_w             ), 00C5(dlamatr2_w          )

-> Should be dlamatr_w and dlamatr2_w which you are searching for.
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« Reply #107 on: November 03, 2011, 10:38:33 AM »

Just a quick note to all the guys working on adding a GUI to this program.

I'm hopefully going to release the NefMoto data logger with a full graphical UI in the next week...


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« Reply #108 on: November 06, 2011, 08:44:34 AM »

I'm having a trouble to import the data to the MS Excel or Open office. There are space before the values, or many after it after the import. Also some columns have "' ' " marks berfore the value.

The charts are not shown because of those spaces or marks. It is very difficult to clean those manually. Am I doing something wrong, or could I open the data differently?
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« Reply #109 on: November 06, 2011, 09:50:20 AM »

What version of excel?

rename the log to log.csv, and then open the csv file - excel should strip the whitespace.

Worst case, you could always import the data into a worksheet using the text to columns feature, and then change the cell data type.

I haven't had that problem when opening the log as a .csv before though.

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« Reply #110 on: November 06, 2011, 11:39:27 AM »

Excel is 2010, Open office calc is 3.3.0. Excel opens the csv-files ok, but didn't remove the whitespaces. It seemed that the values were text, not numbers.

I changed the system settings so that the decimal value is ".", and not "," as it was. Now the excel works right, and removes the whitespaces and understands the numbers. But still the Open office doesn't work.

I would like to use Open office, but now I cant.

I'm not sure that if this problem is also with ECUxPLOT, because it doesn't show any graphs. It can open the cvs, and can select the variables, but is doesn't plot any lines.

Ok, I found the "fault" with ECUxPLOT. I had the "filter data" option on, and with it most of the logs didn't show nothing. So now I have only the Open office problem Smiley
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 02:22:01 PM by okkim » Logged
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« Reply #111 on: December 09, 2011, 07:22:26 AM »

So I compared what VCDS and Me7 loggers show for idle, low and high range o2 LTFT adaptation values and it seems like they differ quite a lot.

For example:

Idle: VCDS shows -2.8% (0.972 multiplier?) for bank1 on idle, ME7 logger shows 0.987824 or -1.4%
Part Throttle: VCDS shows -1.6% (0.984 multiplier?) for bank1 on low range, ME7 logger shows 0.988282 or -1.2%
Full Throttle: VCDS shows -0.8% (0.992 multiplier?) for bank1 on low range, ME7 logger shows 0.999696

Keep in mind VCDS pulls data from Channel 032 while ME7 gets it from ECU memory. In addition it would appear that VCDS is stepping the corrections in 0.4% increments and is rounding numbers. Since it is stepping in 0.4% increments, I am gonna assume that this is somehow tied into a multiplier VCDS is using...

I don't know what to make out of it.... who should I trust more?

Let's hope somebody could shed some light on this, especially if you know what multiplier is VCDS using (ME7 logger is using 3.05176e-005) as it would explain why the data is off if they are using wrong values Smiley
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« Reply #112 on: December 10, 2011, 04:08:04 AM »

Let's hope somebody could shed some light on this, especially if you know what multiplier is VCDS using (ME7 logger is using 3.05176e-005) as it would explain why the data is off if they are using wrong values Smiley

The data you see from ME7Logger are the most accurate values you will get in this case  Smiley.
Variables fra_w, frao_w, frau_w are stored as unsigned word (16bit) in the ecu.
Damos specifies the conversion from internal to physical value for these:
PHYS = INT / 32768, this returns values in range 0.0 to 1.99997 (a factor without unit).
The conversion factor which ME7L uses is therefore 1/32768, which is just 3.05176e-005.

Now, when you log with VCDS, the ECU processes each variable and performs an internal
conversion, then delivers for each variable three bytes (a, b, c) to VCDS.
Byte c is a conversion formula number
(see here:,22.msg22.html#msg22),
bytes a and b are data values used in the conversion formula.
VCDS takes a and b, then converts again using the formula and presents you the result.

In case of fra_w, frao_w, frau_w, the ecu always sets c = 20, so the formula for VCDS is:
a*(b-128)/128  [in %].
The ecu sets a=50 and b to result from a conversion of the original 16bit value.
You can see, that VCDS can compute the final percentage result with a resolution
of 50/128 = 0.390625% in a range of -50% .. +50% (b can be 0 ..255).

Be aware, when you log via KWP1285 (as VCDS does), the ecu alway processes variables
internally before delivering data and you probably loose accuracy.
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« Reply #113 on: December 10, 2011, 09:08:16 AM »

Thanks for the explanation, it makes total sense now!
« Reply #114 on: December 26, 2011, 09:29:24 AM »

I've only just started to look into using this tool. I see that

"The stock binary is sufficient (as long as you don't change variable addresses in the code, which is normally NOT done)".

I have my stock binary file, but my car has a Revo Stage II remap. What is the likelihood of me being able to implement ME7logger successfully given what is generally known about Revo code (i.e. read over OBDII disabled, extra maps, information moved around? Etc.)

Advice would be gratefully received. I thought this might have been a way of, ahem, understanding the remap better, but I'm reluctant to embark if isn't likely to work.

« Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 09:31:03 AM by TTQS » Logged
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« Reply #115 on: December 26, 2011, 10:56:45 AM »

I've only just started to look into using this tool. I see that

"The stock binary is sufficient (as long as you don't change variable addresses in the code, which is normally NOT done)".

I have my stock binary file, but my car has a Revo Stage II remap. What is the likelihood of me being able to implement ME7logger successfully given what is generally known about Revo code (i.e. read over OBDII disabled, extra maps, information moved around? Etc.)

Advice would be gratefully received. I thought this might have been a way of, ahem, understanding the remap better, but I'm reluctant to embark if isn't likely to work.


You should have no problem logging with this tool.
« Reply #116 on: December 26, 2011, 12:52:48 PM »

Super. I've created a template and had a browse through the available variables.


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« Reply #117 on: December 27, 2011, 12:17:19 PM »

I'd be interested to know if you can successfully read out the flash from the Revo flashed ECU. This becasue Revo and APR sued to be the same company before the fallout (Euro and US) and I know for a fact that I could not pull out the APR trial file when I tried with the Nefmoto ME flasher tool.

Addresses for log variables are usually not changed -- I do not see why. So whether you can pull out the flash or not should not affect the ability to log in this case. Somebody with more intimate knowledge of the internals of the flash may be able to explain in detail if needed.

And.... ME7Logger rawks.

Audi S4 B5 2000 6sp Cactus Green
Audi A4 B6 Avant 1.8T 2001.5 5sp Santorin Blue
« Reply #118 on: December 28, 2011, 01:17:04 PM »

Looks fine up to now. I created a definition file with 127 of the choicest variables ready to try some logging but I'm falling at the first hurdle when trying to connect over USB with a genuine Ross-Tech interface set to boot in dumb mode. It fires through all the variables o.k. on the command line window but then returns the failed to connect error. Which port should I be selecting for this or do I require a VCP driver? It's a dumbass noob question I know, but any ideas...?

« Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 02:29:55 PM by TTQS » Logged
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« Reply #119 on: December 28, 2011, 01:59:29 PM »

Looks fine up to now. I created a definition file with 127 of the choices variables ready to try some logging but I'm falling at the first hurdle when trying to connect over USB with a genuine Ross-Tech interface set to boot in dumb mode. It fires through all the variables o.k. on the command line window but then returns the failed to connect error. Which port should I be selecting for this or do I require a VCP driver? It's a dumbass noob question I know, but any ideas...?


Default is COM port 2 IIRC, but it is an accepted argument.
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