To the OP, I got about 85 percent of this done last night, including the divisions. LMK where you are.
Thanks for the bin! I've got it elsewhere already and I've been digging through it for a while.
Sorry about the lack of updates.
It's actually quite different from the "production" 366304, so I decided to "dig deeper" and update my binary instead of flashing the A2L one. It's helping me immensely with cross-referencing, though.
Status of my 5120 project didn't change much since my last post, since I got sidetracked with ARMD/MDFAW/etc re-calibration for MT. My car is highly custom, so I wanted to fix everything else before moving forward with boost control.
Everything is pretty much ready to go, all the maps and needed ASM offsets are defined in OLS and "noted" in my excel spreadsheet.
Some of the maps are zeroed and can be ignored, namely: DPSLV, DPUPVDK, KLDPDK, LDEIAO, MSNPCV.
FQTEPT, KFANFPU, KFLDIOPU are zeroed as well, FRLFSDP is constant throughout - but somehow I didn't mark them with "ignore" note.
There's some very weird stuff going on with PSSOLPF, PSSOLPGRD, PUKORRV. Just halving them is easy, but not sure the result will be "proper".
I'm also hesitant about LDRQ0S and LDRQ1ST - they are noted as "%/100hPa" - I guess it's logical to just leave them alone, since they are "fixed" at 100hPa per, but they are noted as "double" in 1.8 5120 project file.
So, yeah, I'm ready to test, but at the same time I want to figure out all the other stuff that is wrong with my tune.
EDIT: if I can be of any help with ASM stuff - ask away!
ktm733: well, at this point it's quite easy, since all Motronic ECUs share many functions and are largely similar, even between different families. Starting "ground up" is surely much more difficult, but I wasn't faced with that challenge yet, so can't say much about it.
EDIT (16th Jul 2016): It's been tested and running for a while now. Not bumping the thread since I didn't do anything new, everything is described here already. Basically I just took every var related to pressures, logged em on "ordinary" bin, then logged on 5120. Compared "median" of those and checked that they got changed according to my expectations. I might do a detailed post later on to better describe the process.