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Author Topic: 2000 audi a4 quattro with stock narrow band only questions  (Read 27446 times)
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« on: December 03, 2015, 09:18:49 AM »

Hey NefMoto team. Just need to thank DDillinger, turb and all you other tweaksters for the help turning my 90 Corrado with Bosch 7.5 engine management into the fastest car I've ever owned, let alone rebuilt. Grin

I just picked up the above 2000 Audi with the ATW 1.8T in her. Want to access the ecu and eliminate SAI initially, and possibly go down the road of an ecu and O2 sensor upgrade to get it more modern and 'tunable'.

So, any tips on reading and writing this gen 1 Bosch system, and any proven program mod links would be gratefully appreciated.

I have become a fan of these forced aspiration 1.8's, especially when they are tuned to their potential.

Thanks all from the Great White north.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 09:21:57 AM by mikeb52 » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2015, 11:00:27 AM »

This ecu is very simple. Read/write with nefmoto, and is very forgiving. It should be 4B0906018P for manual trans, Q for auto. The common software versions share a definition. Read the file, do some quick searching and you'll find some kps and csvs for it!

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« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2015, 06:07:51 PM »

I was just reading the FAQ to see if I could read it.
Awesome that there is some stuff out there for it. This is 'supposed' to be my winter sedate cruiser. But a little enhancement can never hurt is my thinking. Wink
Thanks for the reply sir!
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« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2015, 07:47:14 PM »

Found the kp files thanks DD. Got my BIN safely as well.
 I'm a little rusty in this stuff. Opened my bin in tunerpro successfully, but now I'm not sure what I do with the kp files. Got some more wiki refreshing to do...
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« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2015, 06:45:59 AM »

.kp belongs to WinOLS.  .xdf is for TunerPro. Smiley
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« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2015, 09:22:46 AM »

Thanks for the reply. Are KP and XDF's interchangeable? I mean can I read kp's from within tunerpro?
I downloaded winols and was able to open my original bin. Then it looked for potential maps etc. Seems to have some differences highlighted, but I have not used winols before, just TP.
Last night I was able to open my bin in tuner pro and the xdf from my 7.5 upgrade seems to have been able to recognize the 7.1 version. I was able to get change:
CDSLS to 0 and CWKONABG to 1 (not 0) and resave. So it looks like I have stripped out the SAI fault my car keeps showing. Ran a checksum checker and it seems no change. I am hopefull.
Next, to be able to get launch control and some more boost by updating my bin with the new maps others have defined will be cool, if I can figure it out.
Thanks again.
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« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2015, 09:32:52 AM »

Are KP and XDF's interchangeable? I mean can I read kp's from within tunerpro?


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« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2015, 11:14:21 AM »

Thanks Nyet.

WinOLS seems to be a great tool for those that do this work often. I'm not going to be that guy however. Map, definition and importing within winols seems a bit beyond my skill set so I don't see me being able to safely enhance this file anytime soon. Maybe in the spring.

So using tunerpro and loading the XDF pack I used on my 2002 AWW build, that xdf is 032DLGH, I seem to be able to open and view my audi ATW bin.

First and primary goal being SAI deletion from OBD2 check.

I was able to see a value in CDSLS, and reset it to 0, I was also able to set CWKONABG to 1 from it's default of 175.00. Resaved the bin under a different file name, ran checksum check and shows no change so I think I am good to flash and see.

I went to your homepage looking at your own bin's Nyet and didn't see a 4B0906018P bin in your database or I would have pulled it for comparison and learning.

Thanks again NEFMOTO team, for the support and helpful guidance..
Great site with great members.

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« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2015, 11:27:41 AM »

Thanks Nyet.

WinOLS seems to be a great tool for those that do this work often. I'm not going to be that guy however. Map, definition and importing within winols seems a bit beyond my skill set so I don't see me being able to safely enhance this file anytime soon. Maybe in the spring.

So using tunerpro and loading the XDF pack I used on my 2002 AWW build, that xdf is 032DLGH, I seem to be able to open and view my audi ATW bin.

First and primary goal being SAI deletion from OBD2 check.

I was able to see a value in CDSLS, and reset it to 0, I was also able to set CWKONABG to 1 from it's default of 175.00. Resaved the bin under a different file name, ran checksum check and shows no change so I think I am good to flash and see.

I went to your homepage looking at your own bin's Nyet and didn't see a 4B0906018P bin in your database or I would have pulled it for comparison and learning.

Thanks again NEFMOTO team, for the support and helpful guidance..
Great site with great members.

Very rarely do two files share a definition. You cannot trust the data being shown with the AWW definition, because you are not using THAT FILE. You should do some reading. Everything here has been covered 100x before man.

Please, ask all questions on the forums! Doing so will ensure the next person with the same issue gets the opportunity to learn from your experience!

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« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2015, 11:29:16 AM »

Everything here has been covered 100x before man.
This being a 15 year old system, that does not surprise me, and I apologize for asking what are obvious questions to senior members. This is the noob section however, so I thought I was in the right section to justify my naivety as it pertains to setting the playing field to safely read and then adjust my ecu parameters accordingly.
I appreciate the tip on the definitions, that saved me a blunder as I did not know that if the definition file was wrong it would spit out any data at all. I presumed it would error out at start up. I have read the wiki(s), both a year ago when doing my Corrado, and again currently as I learn an older system. That part I missed.
I have also ran searches and read up on my current dilemma prior to posting at all.

So I have my original file safely pulled, but have found no xdf definitions specific to the  4B0906018P. If this is a common file and shares definitions as Dillenger indicates. To me that means any 4B0906018 files xdf should work with tunerpro. Haven't gone down that search path yet because I did find this thread with an updated kp file already defined. So this only works with winols I now understand, thanks for that, so I have downloaded the demo version currently available.
Winols is completely different than tunerpro and will take some time to understand how to use. I am OK with putting in said time, as in the end I will be able to apply that knowledge across multiple cars.
That being said, I would rather use TP as it's the one I know and it will allow what I want to do to get done.
If someone can confirm that my thinking on the common definitions is right, or provide a link to an appropriate xdf, I think I can get the rest done myself.
Again, thanks for the help. I couldn't have done the work last year without this forum, and the same remains true again this winter.
The whole reason to post our questions in forums is to aid in the education of others in similar circumstances. It is possible, to me, that by posting my own questions, and solutions, others may benefit from the experience as recorded.
Thanks again.
Mike  Grin
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« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2015, 12:21:20 PM »

To me that means any 4B0906018 files xdf should work with tunerpro.
Mike  Grin

This is not what I said at all. To be 100 percent clear:

The xdf is specific to the EXACT file it was created for to ensure accuracy. This means that NOT ONLY must the file be the same VAG number, 4B0906018P, but also the same BOSCH software number 0261206537 1037352750 to ensure accuracy. This is not ALWAYS the case, but until you learn to be able to discern good data from bad, you should consider it gospel.

I have attached a csv map list containing all of the codewords necessary for SAI and CAT. You can use it to start an XDF for this file. That is after all where xdf's came from. People made them for personal use, and then shared them. The next generation adds, and shares. Or at least, should if following in the spirit of the site.

Please, ask all questions on the forums! Doing so will ensure the next person with the same issue gets the opportunity to learn from your experience!

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« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2015, 02:49:10 PM »

Thanks for the file DD. I appreciate your help.

Between emptying the garage today to make room for my cherished Corrado, I was able to open my original bin in winols. I was also able to import the stg 1 map pack from this thread so it shows up in the left column under the 'my maps' directory in winols, under but not in said directory.
Not sure yet how to do it but I presume the new map has the mods mapped out in it already? Now it's a matter of cloning my original bin's map to mirror the ones in the imported pack, Then resave updated bin as new project, run checksum checker/error corrector plug in, of some kind, and then reflash to the audi?
From there I can actually run a logger and see how the Audi likes the file. And perform car specific amendments from there.
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« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2015, 07:55:47 AM »

Well, it would seem that the winols demo does not allow for exporting of projects.
I was able to import the map packs with all the newly highighted descriptors and maps into my project bin, which I renamed to keep separate from the original file. But to convert it back to a bin file, or even run checksum checker requires a licensed copy. Or so it seems.
So I left that and turned to tunerpro to try to import the csv file graciously provided above to attempt to construct my own xdf. Maybe my old XP pc can't keep up anymore. Every time I try to import delineated file (CSV), my program crashes..
Going to attempt again later on my work PC which is a more modern computer.
Going to revist the nefmoto flash mem layout I used when I pulled the bin from the car as well.
It may have been set still to the previous flash on the Corrado so my original may not have been a good pull to start with.
Damn this stuff is as intuitive as Latin.
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« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2015, 02:31:48 PM »

Attached is my first attempt at creating an xdf file. It seems to show values. I have attached my original bin this works with. If someone could take a look, I am not sure if 1x1 means 8bit when creating the definitions.
Really appreciate the help. Learning this stuff, at my age, is a stretch of the brain pan. If this all works, I will be looking to tweak up the performance curves as well. I just know it..
Will be going back and filling in more accurate descriptions later as well,
I have a spare IC from a 911 I never used for my Corrado. May end up wanting to put it on the Audi in the spring..
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« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2015, 08:02:08 PM »

Attached is my first attempt at creating an xdf file. It seems to show values. I have attached my original bin this works with. If someone could take a look,
Updated my xdf some more. Cleaned up the descriptions and added some I read about in the S4 wiki.
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