Everything here has been covered 100x before man.
This being a 15 year old system, that does not surprise me, and I apologize for asking what are obvious questions to senior members. This is the noob section however, so I thought I was in the right section to justify my naivety as it pertains to setting the playing field to safely read and then adjust my ecu parameters accordingly.
I appreciate the tip on the definitions, that saved me a blunder as I did not know that if the definition file was wrong it would spit out any data at all. I presumed it would error out at start up. I have read the wiki(s), both a year ago when doing my Corrado, and again currently as I learn an older system. That part I missed.
I have also ran searches and read up on my current dilemma prior to posting at all.
So I have my original file safely pulled, but have found no xdf definitions specific to the 4B0906018P. If this is a common file and shares definitions as Dillenger indicates. To me that means any 4B0906018 files xdf should work with tunerpro. Haven't gone down that search path yet because I did find this thread with an updated kp file already defined. So this only works with winols I now understand, thanks for that, so I have downloaded the demo version currently available.
Winols is completely different than tunerpro and will take some time to understand how to use. I am OK with putting in said time, as in the end I will be able to apply that knowledge across multiple cars.
That being said, I would rather use TP as it's the one I know and it will allow what I want to do to get done.
If someone can confirm that my thinking on the common definitions is right, or provide a link to an appropriate xdf, I think I can get the rest done myself.
Again, thanks for the help. I couldn't have done the work last year without this forum, and the same remains true again this winter.
The whole reason to post our questions in forums is to aid in the education of others in similar circumstances. It is possible, to me, that by posting my own questions, and solutions, others may benefit from the experience as recorded.
Thanks again.