I Ran a log with vag Com today
Firstly, VAG-COM logs suck. Get ME7Logger working, it's much better.
that my boost is not going over 190 mbar on there.
You're not logging the correct variables, you're logging the MAP sensor. You need to log Requested/Actual boost.
Which i think is the coolent temp sensor. i did run scans and it showed one thing coolent temp sensor at radiator outlet
If you have a code stored for a hardware issue FIX it. Don't guess, don't stab in the dark. Log temperature when it's cold, does it make sense? Does the temperature rise consistently? I'd replace it anyway. OEM or don't bother. Skimping on non-genuine sensors is a total waste of money.
But i also just noticed that the privious owner did the spark plug defouler on the down stream o2 sensor. Do you think that could be a problem.
Spark plug defouler? If the secondary O2 removed? Replaced with a spark plug (because that fits the hole)? Is it still plugged in? Has it been coded out in the software?
Fix the hardware first.