Alright, got My LC working.
Faults I have made so far, didnt tick LSB in my XDF on the created addresses, rescanned my code and I have a question. I used the ME7.XX PDF and professors updated PDF for his 032KP.
Now my question is does Line 3 have to have B_br swapp with B_Kuppl as in Snook's pdf Quote below or should my line be the same as Professors PDF and have B_br and B_Kuppl?
40 49 FD 03 F7 8E AC 8D 0D 2F 9A 2B 29 80 8A 2B
"Line 3, first we have the tsrldyn located at bits 6-7, as "AC 8D",which reversed is 8DAC as in 0x380DAC, switch this for your own. remember those "jnb"(9A) and "jb"(8A)functions i mentioned we would run into earlier, well here we have them. you recognize the value after 9A? yes, that is the value you calculated earlier, and the same B_kuppl,swap it for the same adress as you did earlier.. and remember to also correct the bitmask like earlier which is stored in that 80. now wait, there is an 8A here.. followed by another 2B.. this is the B_brems you are seeing, and as it is located in the same registry, swap this adress to the same as B_kuppl, BUT remember to enter the correct bitmask!(see Line 4)"
Professor's PDF

This is my Coding so far.
tsrldyn 0x380B96 0b96 -> 8B96 -> 96 8B
B_kuppl 0x00FD4C.3 0X0008 -> 30 4C -> 26
vfil_w 0x381BC8 1BC8 -> 9BC8 -> C8 9B
nmot_w 0x00F89C F89C -> 9C F8
wped 0x38099C 099C -> 899C -> 9C 89
B_brems 0x00FD4A.15 0X8000 -> 15:F0 4a - 25
counter_NoLiftShift: 0x383A0A A0 3A
Function Parameters:
SpeedThreshold: 0x17EC0 size 2, 16bit LSB
LaunchRPM: 0x17EC2 size 2, 16bit LSB
IgnitionCutDuration: 0x17EC4 size 2, 16bit LSB
RPMThreshold: 0x17EC6 size 2, 16bit LSB
AccPedalThreshold: 0x17EC8 size 1, 8bit LSB
Revised Function:
9A 26 13 30 F2 F4 C8 9B D7 00 81 00 F2 F9 C0 7E
40 49 9D 0B F2 F4 9C F8 D7 00 81 00 F2 F9 C2 7E
40 49 FD 03 F7 8E 96 8B 0D 2F 9A 26 29 30 8A 26
22 F0 F2 F4 9C F8 D7 00 81 00 F2 F9 C6 7E 40 49
FD 1A C2 F4 9C 89 D7 00 81 00 C2 F9 C8 7E 40 49
FD 12 D7 00 38 00 F2 F4 A0 3A D7 00 81 00 F2 F9
C4 7E 40 49 9D 11 F7 8E 96 8B 08 41 D7 00 38 00
F7 F8 A0 3A 0D 09 D7 00 38 00 F6 8F F0 4F 0D 04
D7 00 38 00 F6 8E A0 3A F3 F8 90 89 DB 00 FF FF
My Call 8A 00 9C
Function: 0xA9C00