I noticed you said the check valve(PCV) between the intake mani and PCV system has been deleted. So is the port just closed up or do the hoses still reside but without that check valve? What about the opening on top of the oil cooler. Is closed up also? If so, what did you use to do that with?
Ok I will try to fully explain how I changed OEM pcv system to my catch tank system.
from this part near oil filter:
goes a new hose directly to mycatch tank open
this is the place on my car:
this is my catch tank with 3 opens:
second tank open on the side goes directly to valve cover
and the open on the top of my catch tank goes to to "hockey puck" valve that goes to TIP.
this is the and of my pcv system. It is a fully closed system.
Oh and open under inkake manifold from valve that gone to oem pcv valve is closed now.
Hope I cleared the situation
Also this N's system is out:
now dv is connected via hose directly to intake manifold.
I also have cold side dv relo kit
thanks I will try it today.
Should I first reset ecu to get 0% in LTFT before I start this test ?
Or should I do it with my LTFT on -18% ?
or maybe it doesn't matter at all ?
yea I dunno either until he chimes in. The pic doesn't really show under the intake that well.
Which hose? The one with the orange stripe? If so, that comes from his DV I believe. I think he has a cold side DV relocation kit and hasn't plugged the opening where he was running the DV or BOV before in the pic.
Ok I explained my changes in pcv and N's systems, so now my dv relo kit.
Before mod OEM dv place was like this:
after a mod this is a new cold side open for dv:
2 orange hoses are dv hoses,
one to new open on cold side, and second (the one you have asked about goes to second open on TIP - the same open that OEM)
black small hose goes directly to intake manifold (OEM open under manifold)
full dv sestem:
oh, and dv is a new forge 007 for mk1 TT
when was the last time you reset the adaption values?
Were you running a BOV or DV before the pic was taken?
I was using OEM dv when my setup was fully OEM,
when I started mods I changed OEM AUdi DV to forge DV.
I never used BOV - in my opinion BOV is a bad idea for 1.8T engine
I'm reseting ecu and adaptation valies from time to time.
Usually when I want to test some new idea to deal with the problem or want to do some new logs
So I can say I reset it when I change or swap some parts that can be a cause of the problem.
of ane ONE MORE VERY IMPORTANT INFO for everybody:
I have this problem since I bought the car. Ihe car was full OEM that time.
I started changing parts to new and mods slowly always checking it the problem is getting better.
But nothing good happend since that time.
So my point is. I'm 100% sure that
But of course this is only what I think and checked so we can argue about it
Feel free to any new ideas.
I will check o2 sensor using test in link you gave me and hockey puck using test you described.