I am trying to add mibas_w to my ecu file.
I found mibas_w in 018J damos like this:
/UMP, {}, mibas_w, {indiziertes Basis-Moment}, $38252E, 514, 287, rel_uw_b100, 3, $FFFF, K;
KFZW is at $8120DD according to damos and in my file its $120DD because of the well known 800000 offset @ import.
How to add mibas_w into the existing syntax?
;Name , {Alias} , Address, Size, Bitmask, {Unit}, S, I, A, B, Comment
mifa_w , {} , 0x3824D6, 2, 0x0000, {%}, 0, 0, 0.00152588, 0, {indiziertes Motormoment Fahrerwunsch}