I have checked some files and found some correlation, rev limiter control (NMAXDV/NMAXF) is located in the same address in the same family. Here the indicated variables and the others at each side of it.
07438 (TKHMX)<--->0743A (NMAXDV)<--->0743C(TNMAXDV)
074C4 (NDASR)<--->07C6(NMAXF)<--->074C8(WNWA)
Thanks for the info

NMAXDV - I've been running it this way for a couple years now. Works ok, but needs the vss wire to ecu to be cut to get a vss error, to work. Want to get vss back to make other vss functions work (like moving idle)
NMAXF - Currently set to 7100rpm. I think this is just for the rpm exceeded code.
TNMAXDV - Haven't played with it, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think is just the delay time before the NMAXDV limit works after it gets a vss error code.
Vehicle speed is directly a function of VSS with some error correction/adaptation. It should be a direct calculation. I found the following functions that could be involved:
DVFZ: A 5. 0 Diagnose: Plausibilitätsprüfung Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeit VEHICLE SPEED DIAGNOSIS
CDTVFZ Codeword tester : vehicle speed
FLCVFZ Debounce Error: vehicle speed
HLCVFZ Debouncing Healing: vehicle speed
LDVFZ Error - > Lamp : vehicle speed
NDV Error detection Tacho signal / speed threshold minimal
NDVO Error detection Fz - speed signal , upper speed limit
TDV Error detection Tacho signal / time for query
TMDV Motor temperature threshold for release Fz - speed diagnosis
TSFVFZ Error sum time: vehicle speed
VDMN Speed threshold ; fault detection speed signal
GGVFZG: A 8. 20 Gebergröße Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeit VEHICLE SPEED FUNCTION
AIMV.0 Number of speed pulses per km for normalization v signal
AIMV.1 Number of speed pulses per km for normalization v signal
DVFZBEG.0 Delta speed limit change
DVFZBEG.1 Delta speed limit change
VFZMN.0 Detect Drive - standing
VFZMN.1 Detect Drive - standing
VFZSEG Segment length for speed detection
ZFV.0 Time constant for filtering the velocity signal
ZFV.1 Time constant for filtering the velocity signal
AIMV - Been trying to find the map location for this in the M592.
VFZSEG - Not sure what this is for, speed limit per gear? Also couldn't find it in the m592.