No, it does not work like that on Volvo in all cases.
In your bin you have the signal database matching the can matrix of the car. Using a wrong bin file leads to errors on lost messages.
Then you have to have the correct electronic throttle body software part in the code of your bin.
Then there were changes in Variable Valve timing actuators and sensors over the years.
It will work with certain bins when they are quality updates or from other markets maybe. US / EU has HW differences, but not always.
But if you want to be safe, use the same base.
If you post your original bin, im sure someone has the corresponding manual bin for you and can tell you the correct software base.
Yup I am guessing when Volvo changes one thing, say adding one more parameter to the streaming CAN data, they have some relational database and regenerate the signal configuration automatically for the entire car or at least for the modules that co-depend on the specific CAN ids.
The old Denso ECM had the code for CAN really obscured by these handlers, but the TCM on the other hand was a lot more clear. A lot less indirection in my opinion. I was able to correlate a lot of communication between ECM<->TCM on variables which were not described in DHA.
At the very least I now know which parameter is shuttled from which id
mov.l #dword_7F500, r4
mov.l #CANReceive_WORD_???_sub_69BB0, r3
jsr @r3 ; CANReceive_WORD_???_sub_69BB0<-actually the data is fetched from the variables
ROM:0007F500 dword_7F500: .data.l h'15000302 ; DATA XREF: ROM:off_11D84↑o
ROM:0007F500 ; ROM:off_11DF0↑o ...
ROM:0007F504 .data.l unk_FFFFDFA3
ROM:0007F508 .data.l h'20000000
ROM:0007F50C .data.l unk_FFFFDFA2
ROM:0007F510 .data.l unk_FFFFDF14
ROM:0007F514 .data.l dword_7F858 <- pointer to CAN id description
ROM:0007F858 dword_7F858: .data.l h'9080900 ; DATA XREF: ROM:0007F514↑o
ROM:0007F858 ; ROM:0007F52C↑o ...
ROM:0007F85C .data.l unk_FFFFDF14
ROM:0007F860 .data.l unk_FFFFDF9C
ROM:0007F864 .data.l 0
ROM:0007F868 .data.l unk_10000
ROM:0007F86C .data.l h'401E030A <- translates to something like 030A401E but is more often mutated depending on how many frames. usually 401E stays the same and belongs to ECM in both Denso and Bosch.
ROM:0007F870 .data.l unk_FFFF3FFF
ROM:0007F874 .data.l unk_FFFFDFFF
My current understanding is good enough for my purposes.
Peak HP is usually not at the same rpm as peak MAF.
HP = constant * MAF
This common formula for estimating HP is actually real formula from combustion engines theory.
But with one exception that "constant" is not constant but parabola (looking from lowest rpm it's low then goes up - best efficiency somewhere in mid range - and then falls again afterwards until N-max) and defines combustion efficiency and is between around 1.1-1.6. Inverted is around 0.6-0.9.
That is where popular 0.8 divider for MAF->HP estimate comes from
Combustion efficiency depends on many things like compression ratio, head flow, piston speeds and diameter, ignition, mixture etc.
So simply speaking, if your engine peak HP is at 6000rpm, peak MAF may be little further because it's rpm range where efficiency is falling fast(usually).
I just looked at my primitive OBD data logger and i got peak 135g/s at 96km/h falling to 129g/s at 105km/h (rpm limiter at 2 gear) - it's P1 V50 but it doesn't matter - engine and ECU is the same as yours
I don't have engine rpm at saved log only GPS speed (you can easilly calculate rpm from that) and MAF because this is some basic demo version app that i randomly use for basic diagnostics.
It has been a while, but actually you didnt mention what gearbox the P1 v50 had. It is absolutely critical that I know the gear ratio which is different for the 2 versions of AW55 and wildly different between the many manual versions(e.g M56L, M56HK, M56K etc) and also tyre circumference
I tried a few combinations of gear ratios and could not find one gearbox where presumably 1st gear is 96km/h. But even so, for maf to fall to 129g/s at rpm limiter(7000?) that would mean you have gone much higher than 7000 rpm)
My engine/tranny is limiting torque at 2nd gear and at 3rd for me to reach rpm limiter I need to be going over 170kmh. Realistically my box will shift much sooner than that.